Campus Well-Being Resource Library

The Campus Well-Being Resource Library aims to help campus leaders find actionable resources for advancing well-being and equity on college campuses.

This Library supplements Thriving Campuses: A Campus Guide for Well-Being, Equity and Thriving which helps stakeholders advance a vision for thriving on their campuses and see their role as stewards across a set of vital campus conditions. It offers a starting point for campus stakeholders looking to advance equitable well-being by connecting users with information and tools for cultivating shared stewardship, responding to COVID-19, and co-creating new legacies of dignity and inclusion.

To contribute to this page, suggest a resource here and select the "College Campuses" topic.

Published By
Community Commons
Sponsored By
American Cancer Society



CC Original

Data bank/repository

Screenshot of Racial Equity Tools
Racial Equity Tools
Resource - Data Bank/repository
Bold letters
Priority Populations Channel
Resource - Data Bank/repository


Topic - People

A photo of a group of college students. A golden banner across the top of the photo reads
College Students
Topic - People



Cover of Campus Well Being Guide
Campus Well Being Guide
Tool - Toolkit/toolbox
Screen grab of Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Resources
Tool - Toolkit/toolbox
Screenshot of Antiracism Meditation
Antiracism Meditation
Tool - Toolkit/toolbox



Screen capture of Peers Against Tobacco
Peers Against Tobacco
Resource - Website/webpage
Screenshot of High-Impact Educational Practices
High-Impact Educational Practices
Resource - Website/webpage
