Trafficked People
A trafficked person is someone who is or has been recruited, harbored, transported, provisioned, or obtained for labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery (labor trafficked) and/or is or has been in a situation in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age (sex trafficked). Legal definitions vary across jurisdictions, and the complexity of human trafficking requires nuanced consideration of each case.
Human trafficking profoundly impacts individuals and communities, underscoring the imperative for community health. Recognizing vulnerabilities, implementing preventive strategies, and offering support across social, economic, and health-related systems are paramount. Equity considerations are pivotal in addressing historical legacies and systemic discrimination for a holistic approach. The impacts of human trafficking resonate globally, with severe mental and physical health consequences for survivors. Straining healthcare systems, elevating infectious disease risks, and intertwining with social determinants of health highlight its significance. Equity considerations uncover deep racial and social disparities, emphasizing the need for comprehensive and collaborative strategies.
Modern human trafficking is intricately linked to historical legacies, such as slavery and colonialism, contributing to systemic racial and social disparities. Events like the transatlantic slave trade and global economic inequity shape the complexity of contemporary human trafficking. Vulnerable populations, including those facing poverty, homelessness, and seasonal work, bear the brunt of human trafficking. Relying on social safety nets like SNAP and WIC, these individuals are at heightened risk. Historical legacies, systemic discrimination, and global economic disparities further expose specific groups, such as Black women, AI/AN or First Nations women, and LGBTQIA+ homeless youth.
Today, factors like poverty, homelessness, and collaboration between public health and law enforcement continue to impact human trafficking. Complex intersections with mental and physical health, healthcare systems, infectious disease risks, social determinants, community support, and the need for policy changes underline persistent challenges. Prioritizing equity involves acknowledging and rectifying historical legacies, systemic discrimination, and global economic inequities. An intersectional approach to recognizing the vulnerabilities of marginalized populations, including LGBTQIA+ homeless youth, is essential.
Addressing the multifaceted nature of human trafficking is crucial for comprehensive prevention, intervention, and support. Human trafficking impacts vulnerable populations, and intersects with societal systems, like healthcare, social services, and law enforcement. Changemakers and stewards can wield influence at scale by collaborating with government entities for policy reforms, engaging internationally, and promoting economic empowerment. Complemented by community-level strategies and individual efforts to raise awareness, these actions form a comprehensive approach. Local communities and changemakers are crucial in combating human trafficking through survivor-led involvement, multidisciplinary task forces, training programs, partnerships, health screening, and awareness promotion. Their collective efforts contribute to a comprehensive and collaborative approach at the grassroots level.
Resources & Tools
TIPSHEET: Peer-to-Peer Human Trafficking Recruitment in RHY Settings: Trauma-Informed Response
Resource - Guide/handbook
Exploiting the Poor and Powerless: Forced Labor Systems in the Early and Later Modern World
Resource - Journal Article
Matrix of OVC-Funded Human Trafficking Services Grantees and Task Forces
Resource - Data Bank/repository
Federal Government Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking
Resource - Website/webpage
Brought to you by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR): Find Resources and Contacts in Your State
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
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