Lifelong Learning as a Vital Condition
Lifelong Learning is about providing a good education for all that ensures all people, regardless of age, background, or ability, are set up for success, and have the opportunities to reach their full potential. It’s about an education that launches people into meaningful careers, with ongoing opportunities to learn and grow.
Education is an engine of social mobility with implications for health and well-being that extend across the entire lifetime. From birth, we are developing and learning. Supportive learning environments positively shape social and behavioral development and set children on a path that maximizes their capacity to learn, and positively shapes their social and behavioral development. A solid preK-12 education launches young people into productive futures wherein they may pursue higher education, trades, or ongoing and community-based education, and advance their lives and livelihoods through the power of learning. Education is also an engine of social mobility. Higher levels of education are linked with more income, better health, and increased opportunities. Conversely, disparities in access to education and educational attainment persist, and can be perpetuated across generations.
Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery & Resilience in Communities Across America
This new report is a joint project of the CDC Foundation and Well Being Trust, coordinated with Community Initiatives and ReThink Health. The report acknowledges that we are now struggling and suffering through profound losses and ghastly experiences of systemic racism. Our resilience and humanity are being tested, yet we have the power to change course together. Communities across the country have an immense reservoir of energy, courage, and imagination. Our best hope for changing course is to organize local and national action around a single, unifying, measurable expectation: All people and places thriving—no exceptions. The report leverages the Vital Conditions for Well-Being framework to provide a "springboard" for communities in recovery and resilience that is imperative to this moment in time. Find the full report and the library of resources and tools coming out of collaborative work to develop Thriving Together below, and scroll on for more resources to improve lifelong learning in your community.
Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery and Resilience in Communities Across America
Resource - Report
Brought to you by Well Being Trust
Thriving Together: Lifelong Learning - Higher Education
Resource - Website/webpage
Brought to you by IHI
Thriving Together: Lifelong Learning - Cradle to Career
Resource - Website/webpage
Brought to you by Well Being Trust
Bringing the Vital Conditions to Life: Lifelong Learning
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 11/01/2019
Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery and Resilience in Communities Across America
Brought to you by Community Commons
Below is an audio excerpt from a series of interviews to collect lived experience, community voices, and critical perspectives to inform content and direction in the Springboard report and touches on lifelong learning, specifically.
Opportunities to Improve Lifelong Learning
Some of the most significant opportunities are:
- Advancing learning opportunities in early childhood
- Connecting young people with opportunities for their futures, including quality public education
- Investing in adult education and job training programs
Stories for Inspiration
Explore the stories below to read interesting, engaging content about what is happening at the state, national, and local level to improve lifelong learning.
Michigan governor announces tuition-free educational program for essential workers
Story - Written
Brought to you by CNN
In the Fallout of the Pandemic, Community Schools Show a Way Forward for Education
Resource - Blog
Brought to you by LPI
A Surprisingly Simple Way to Help Level the Playing Field of College Admissions
Story - Written
Brought to you by NYT
Data Resources
Explore the data tools below to find data and related resources specifically relevant to lifelong learning.
Adult Basic Education Program Finder
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
Brought to you by Minnesota Department of Education
American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment III: Reference Group Data Report Fall 2019
Resource - Report
Brought to you by American College Health Association
Webinar: Connecting K-12 and Higher Education Through the Use of Performance Assessments
Resource - Webinar
Brought to you by LPI
Policy Resources
Explore the resources below that outline one or more policies that specifically seek to improve lifelong learning.
Policies, Practices, and Resources for Child Care and Early Education Providers Amid the Coronavirus Crisis
Resource - Blog
Brought to you by Urban Institute
HI-5: Early Childhood Education
Resource - Policy Brief
Brought to you by AD for Policy and Strategy
A New "New Deal" for Education: Top 10 Policy Moves for States in the COVID 2.0 Era
Resource - Blog
Brought to you by LPI
Making ESSA’s Equity Promise Real: State Strategies to Close the Opportunity Gap
Resource - Report
Brought to you by LPI
Action & Dialogue Guides
Explore below to find replicable, actionable content that is easily adaptable as a strategy to improve lifelong learning, as well as dialogue guides and tools for in-person and virtual dialogues.
Conversation Guide: Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Renewal for Youth
Resource - Guide/handbook
Brought to you by Living Room Conversations
Thriving Campuses Toolkit: Transformational Learning Resources
Resource - Data Bank/repository
Brought to you by Community Commons
Thriving Campuses Toolkit
Tool - Toolkit/toolbox
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 01/05/2022
About the Vital Conditions
Lifelong Learning is one of seven “Vital Conditions” that comprise the Vital Conditions for Health and Well-being framework. This is a useful framework for conceptualizing holistic well-being and the Conditions that give rise to it, as well as identifying opportunities to shift those systems and drive transformative community change and improvement. It brings together major determinants of health, exposing how parts of a multi-faceted whole work as a system to produce equitable well-being. Learn more about the framework: