Red Dog Mine Extension – Aqqaluk Project: Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

Published By
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The report examines the potential impacts of the extension on the physical, social, and economic health of the surrounding communities, as well as on the environment. The report finds that the extension could have both positive and negative health impacts, including economic benefits for the region and potential risks to air and water quality, as well as to subsistence hunting and fishing. The report recommends several measures to mitigate the potential negative impacts and to promote positive health outcomes for the affected communities, including increased monitoring and mitigation efforts to protect air and water quality, increased engagement and support for subsistence activities, and improved access to healthcare and emergency services.

Resources & Tools

Graphic depicting key elements of the Health Impact Assessment Report entitled Red Dog Mine Extension Aqqaluk Project which includes icons related to the following: clean air; tribal communities; Tribal; Mixed methods; thriving natural world
Red Dog Mine Extension Aqqaluk Project
Resource - Assessment
Published on 09/30/2009