Reliable Transportation as a Vital Condition

Reliable Transportation is about moving between home, work, school, stores—and more—in daily life. Transportation options influence access to jobs, social mobility, and our health. Active transportation—walking, biking, and transit use—helps us incorporate physical activity into our daily lives. Designing compact communities and sustainable transportation systems ensure people are able to get where they need to go no matter a person’s means, mode, or ability. 

Access to transportation is a major driver of health and well-being. Transportation—whether walking, bicycling, wheeling, public transit, or driving—allows people to reach jobs, education opportunities, medical services, green outdoor space, community meetings, and family events; it acts as a connection to every other vital condition.

Current transportation policies and funding in the United States puts those who cannot drive at a disadvantage.  There is a greater emphasis on roads, and more importantly, roads built solely for cars. In most communities, public transit is an afterthought, and safe walking and bicycling infrastructure can be a politically charged struggle to even get consideration.The Complete Streets movement hopes to improve roadway conditions by working with local, state, and federal governments to pass transportation policies and funding that would make all roads safe for all users.

Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery & Resilience in Communities Across America

This new report is a joint project of the CDC Foundation and Well Being Trust, coordinated with Community Initiatives and ReThink Health. The report acknowledges that we are now struggling and suffering through profound losses and ghastly experiences of systemic racism. Our resilience and humanity are being tested, yet we have the power to change course together. Communities across the country have an immense reservoir of energy, courage, and imagination. Our best hope for changing course is to organize local and national action around a single, unifying, measurable expectation: All people and places thriving—no exceptions. The report leverages the Vital Conditions for Well-Being framework to provide a "springboard" for communities in recovery and resilience that is imperative to this moment in time. Find the full report and the library of resources and tools coming out of collaborative work to develop Thriving Together below, and scroll on for more resources to improve reliable transportation in your community.

Screen shot of Thriving Together: Reliable Transportation webpage
Thriving Together: Reliable Transportation
Resource - Website/webpage
Brought to you by Well Being Trust
people standing on a public bus
Bringing the Vital Conditions to Life: Reliable Transportation
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons

Opportunities to Improve Reliable Transportation

Some of them most significant opportunities are:

  • Building connected, accessible communities
  • Investing in transportation systems that serve all modes

Stories for Inspiration

Explore the stories below to read interesting, engaging content about what is happening at the state, national, and local level to improve reliable transportation.

Data Resources

Explore the data tools below to find data and related resources specifically relevant to reliable transportation.

Screen shot of the homepage
Safe Routes Partnership 2020 State Report Cards
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
Brought to you by Safe Routes to School National Partnership
National Transportation Atlas Database
Brought to you by BTS
Transportation Alternatives Data Exchange
Transportation Alternatives Data Exchange (TrADE)
Brought to you by Rails to Trails Conservancy
Location Affordability Index
Location Affordability Index
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
Brought to you by CNT

Policy Resources

Explore the resources below that outline one or more policies that specifically seek to improve reliable transportation.

Active Transportation Policy Hub
Brought to you by Rails to Trails Conservancy
Screenshot of HI-5: Motorcycle Injury Prevention
HI-5: Motorcycle Injury Prevention
Resource - Policy Brief
Brought to you by AD for Policy and Strategy
Screenshot of HI-5: Safe Routes to School
HI-5: Safe Routes to School
Resource - Policy Brief
Brought to you by AD for Policy and Strategy
First page of The Role of Business in Supporting Reliable Transportation business brief
The Role of Business in Supporting Reliable Transportation
Resource - Policy Brief
Brought to you by WIN Network
Published on 02/25/2021
Screen shot of the homepage
Safe Routes Partnership 2020 State Report Cards
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
Brought to you by Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Cover page for Active Transportation for America
Active Transportation for America
Resource - Assessment
Brought to you by Rails to Trails Conservancy
HI-5 Public Transportation System Introduction
HI-5: Public Transportation System Introduction or Expansion
Resource - Policy Brief
Brought to you by AD for Policy and Strategy

Action & Dialogue Guides

Explore below to find replicable, actionable content that is easily adaptable and/or adoptable as a strategy to improve reliable transportation, as well as dialogue guides and tools for in-person and virtual dialogues. 

Emergency Stabilization & Economic Recovery Recommendations
Emergency Stabilization & Economic Recovery Recommendations
Resource - Guide/handbook
Brought to you by Smart Growth America
Transportation and Health Tool
Transportation and Health Tool
Brought to you by U.S. Department of Transportation
Cover page of Active Living Toolkit
Active Living Toolkit
Resource - Guide/handbook
Active Design Guide Community Groups
Active Design for Community Groups
Resource - Guide/handbook
Brought to you by New York State
people standing on a public bus
Bringing the Vital Conditions to Life: Reliable Transportation
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Addressing Transportation to Improve Community Health
Addressing Transportation to Improve Community Health
Resource - Webinar
Brought to you by All In

About the Vital Conditions

Reliable Transportation is one of seven “Vital Conditions” that comprise the Vital Conditions for Health and Well-being framework. This is a useful framework for conceptualizing holistic well-being and the Conditions that give rise to it, as well as identifying opportunities to shift those systems and drive transformative community change and improvement. It brings together major determinants of health, exposing how parts of a multi-faceted whole work as a system to produce equitable well-being. Learn more about the framework.

Blue banner with a photo of Bobby Milstein and titles that read
Commons Good Bobby Milstein, PhD, MPH
Story - Audio
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 02/17/2020
A mural of a person with different patterns in their hair. Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash.
Bringing the Vital Conditions to Life through People, Place, and Possibility
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons