Partnerships Pay Off for Local Farmers & Michigan Food Pantries
photo supplied by Rotary Charities
Community Commons has long been home to stories of community change, and has worked with contributing writers to publish their stories. Now, through partnership with 100 Million Healthier Lives, we are bringing you new stories of community transformation and bright spots.
This story was submitted by Rotary Charities in Michigan. Lift up your own story here.
This chaotic time of COVID-19 has all of us scrambling to reinforce the basics. For some, basic needs like a stable home and a nourishing meal are never certain. The community organizations that support northern Michiganders who aren’t adequately served by our food system are relying on their partners to make sure no one is left behind during the crisis.
That includes both people in need of food and local farmers, says Kris Thomas of the Northwest Food Coalition, the regional network of pantries in northwest lower Michigan. “For our whole community to be food secure, we need to be able to meet our food needs here at home. That’s where local farmers come in.”
Food in most grocery stores and pantries is shipped across the country and dependent on the exploitation of underpaid and unprotected farmworkers. As food security becomes a central concern during the pandemic, organizations are reinforcing the local food system to meet needs.
Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities is a long-time supporter of local farmers. With public health concerns related to COVID-19 closing restaurants and schools and farmers markets delaying start dates or cancelling altogether, Groundwork knew critical response decisions could mean huge losses for farmers.
“To think that something unforeseen could completely undo the entire restaurant economy of northwest Michigan and endanger all of the local farms that make this place unique – it’s terrifying,” says Meghan McDermott of Groundwork. “We heard from one farm that they stand to lose nearly $55,000 in revenue if the drop in sales were sustained through June 30th.”
Groundwork saw an opportunity to replace some of the income farmers are losing and support neighbors in need. They called in their supporters with the Local Food Relief Fund, a fundraising campaign to help local food pantries purchase locally-grown products from farmers at a fair price. The Fund brought in an astounding $130,597 from community donations in just 7 days.
Similar to the popular Community Supported Agriculture “CSA” model, the fund empowers Northwest Food Coalition pantries to buy storage crops now, and also pay money upfront for farmers to plant crops for food pantries all season long.
Pantry clients are eager for fresh, healthful food, and pantries have been ramping up their local food selection with the Coalition’s Farm 2 Neighbor program. “Six years ago, local pantries looked different,” says Kris. “We were hearing from pantry clients that they wanted more fresh food to feed their children and to meet their dietary needs. A woman with diabetes told me, ‘We’re getting all of these noodles. I have a cupboard full of noodles that I can’t eat.’”
“That’s why purchasing food from farms is critical: fresh produce meets every diet,” says Mary Clulo from St. Patrick’s food pantry.
Food Rescue helped pantries shift their model to put healthful foods first. Food Rescue picks up food from grocery stores and farms that would otherwise go to waste – things like yogurt with an approaching Sell By date, or crates of produce with one or two bad pieces. Over 100 farmers have relationships with Food Rescue, and their produce travels to pantries on Food Rescue trucks.
Over the past few years, these organizations have improved their coordination to meet the needs of food pantry clients and local food producers. The Local Food Relief Fund takes their work to the next level, just as pantries anticipate serving more clients due to the economic impact of COVID-19.
At the height of the 2008 recession, Father Fred saw a three to four hundred percent increase in pantry visits. As unemployment filing claims soar, the potential need is staggering.
“We’re preparing to serve those who have been unemployed for over a month now. We will see an influx – some who have never been to a pantry before. We want to be sure they can find things like fresh fruits and vegetables – not the old fashioned canned goods,” says Mary. “Hopefully people are comfortable with the products that we have – they’re safe, pure and right from their neighboring farmers.”
The emergency food relief system has the partnerships in place to respond to the need.
“During COVID-19 we’re working harder. We’re distributing a lot more food to these pantries because of our ability to work and grow together,” says Food Rescue’s Taylor Moore. “Our community showed up for the Local Food Relief Fund. And we’ve built these relationships that help us work together. We want everyone in the five counties to be fed.”
Author Tori Craig tells stories for Rotary Charities, a northern Michigan funder supporting systems change initiatives and the people who make them go.
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